Lobster is a seafood delicacy that everyone should try at least once. Once it comes to the table, it's up to you to figure out how to eat this crustacean. Since lobsters usually come served still inside their hard shell, it can be daunting to try and figure out how to eat it. This handy guide on how to eat a lobster should help. What You'll Need Eating a lobster requires more specialized equipment than a conventional knife and fork.
19 January 2017
If you are encountering a situation where you will need to hire the services of a professional catering company, you may be unsure of what to expect or how you should proceed with choosing a provider. However, improving your understanding when it concerns these services can prove invaluable in helping you to ensure that your guests enjoy the high-quality food that your budget will allow. Can You Try Samples Of Potential Catering Services?
12 January 2017
It's a new year, and already the jokes about failing to keep resolutions past the first few days have begun. Keeping an exact resolution (e.g., "I will eat nothing but healthy food") can be too restrictive, but a more open-ended resolution (e.g., "I'll eat more healthy foods") can stick longer because of its flexibility. Food is a big focus of resolutions, so if you like to eat out at restaurants, look into making a few changes that will still let you eat foods you like while making the meals a little better for you.
3 January 2017
Americans love sandwiches. Residents, from Maine to Florida and from Washington State to southern California, consume around 300 million sandwiches each day. In fact, sandwiches (including hamburgers) account for around half of all restaurant sales. It's not difficult to see why sandwiches are so popular. They are affordable, easy to eat and/or carry away, and often include multiple flavors in each bite. However, some sandwiches are more popular than others. Below are the most commonly-ordered sandwiches in the U.
21 December 2016
You've probably heard the axiom that you should never order a steak well-done, but do you know why that is? The reason often given is that it's insulting to the chef, because cooking the steak so thoroughly detracts from the flavor of the meat. But the steak is being cooked for you, not the chef, so if you like it well done, why worry about it? Take a look at a few other reasons why a well-done steak might not be the best choice, and why maybe you should think about giving medium-rare a try.
21 December 2016
Opting for a healthier lifestyle does not necessarily mean you have to give up on the foods you love. If you love pizza, there are healthier ordering choices that you can make at your local pizzeria and still be able to enjoy it. Here are some easy changes you can make to your order to eat healthier while still eating pizza. Add more vegetables. Your favorite pizza probably has vegetables on it anyway, but if you want to eat healthier, add more.
16 December 2016
If you feel like your pizza routine is getting a little dull, mix things up with some seasonal produce this winter. Here are three great and affordable winter vegetables that can taste really great when prepared correctly on your pizza. #1 Beets Beets are too often relegated to being a side dish to big dinners, like Thanksgivings, or used as a simple salad topping. However, beets can add a dash of flavor and texture to your pizza, and they are really affordable to purchase during the winter time.
15 December 2016