Peru's cuisine is as diverse as its topography. With the Pacific Ocean on its western border, the Andes Mountains running its length, and the Amazon Rain Forest in southeast, the varied climate and biodiversity provide much to eat. Peru has a multiethnic culture, with influences from American Indians, Spain, and elsewhere in Europe, Africa, and Asia. This is also reflected in their cuisine. Here's a primer of what kind of dishes to expect when visiting a Peruvian restaurant like Inka Grill.
5 December 2016
There are many types of pizza in the U.S. Many of them were created and became popular in certain areas of the country. That area quickly became part of the name used to describe the pizza style. The local pizzas thrive in the areas where the name came from, but have also spread throughout the country to please other palates. Chicago-Style Pizza Chicago-style pizza is much more like a pizza cake than a pizza pie.
9 January 2015
Eating healthy while dining out is never easy. Fatty and sugary selections really do crowd the menus of most restaurants. So, if you want to eat a little better, navigate your way towards one of the finer Mexican restaurants in the local area. Contrary to conventional thought, Mexican food can be enormously healthy for you provided you know how to make the right entrée selection. Stay Away from the Bad Food Choices
15 December 2014